Thursday, July 01, 2010

A sad note

Today would have been my dad's 76th birthday. It feels important to mark the occasion, the first since he died, although I don't know what else to say other than "Happy birthday, Dad."


Unknown said...

We could all wish him a happy birthday since he helped make you who we love.

Tina Martinez said...

Gah. I think my comment got eaten. Here I go again:

I think it's wonderful that you're remembering your father today (and every day, I'm sure). If I might offer a suggestion:

Why not share one thing about your father every year on his birthday? Something funny, sweet, maddening, or inspiring. Whatever it is, pick one thing a year to share from all the things that made him who he was. In this way you help keep his memory alive in another way, and share what made him so amazing to you.

Liz K. said...

Not the easiest day, for sure. Happy birthday, and hang in there.

Sidney said...

It gets easier with time, but being fatherless in the world is sometimes a very rootless feeling. Peace to you today!

jlr said...

I'm sure he heard you say that, and that it's enough.

Carol said...

That's a perfect thing to say today. Hugs to you. xx

Yarndancer said...

*** hugs and condolences ***

ccr in MA said...

Just wanted to say, I know, and I'm sorry.