Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Some Finished Projects (finally)

Okay, that last entry took a lot out of me. While I muster up enough mental energy for my next substantive post, let's do a quickie knitting-related recap.

Free On-Line Patterns for Guys

The new MenKnit on-line magazine is up. Free patterns in PDF form for the men in your life (although some could very easily be knitted up for women, too). You can click on the nifty sweatered chap and then scroll down to find the PDF download button. My Faux Fair Isle cap is in this issue, modeled by James and Tom.

Of course, the hats in the above photo are not being modeled by James and Tom, but you knew that I wasn't married to a styrofoam head, didn't you? (although sometimes when he's engrossed in the New York Times and studiously ignoring my calls, I have to wonder)

Finished Project

The Minnie Mae dog jacket is officially finished.

I hope to get a photo of Minnie Mae herself modeling the jacket; however, this will require me actually packaging it up and mailing it out in the near future (along with Kat's "Ro-o-ger" prize, which I haven't forgotten). I also found a very cute pink leather (yes, pink!) leash at Lands' End for the Minnster, so a nice if belated Christmas package will be on its way soon.

The Jil Eaton Puppyknits pattern was very clear and easy to follow, by the way. Her patterns generally are, in my experience. Plymouth Encore was the perfect yarn for this project: economical, machine washable, brightly-colored.

Call for Caps

During the past few weeks, I finished a batch of kids' caps in warm wools.

I find knitting caps to be very soothing. If I have projects which are going slowly or giving me trouble, or I just don't have uninterrupted time to focus on a more complex project, I can pick up a cap and knit in the round for a while. Caps are so easy to make and they finish up quickly, especially when you use a bulkier weight of yarn. I generally make my kids hats each year in the favored colors or to match coats, so after that I like to send them somewhere where some chilly little kid will be able to use them. These are headed to Afghans for Afghans, a great group which sends warm items like caps and blankets to Afghanistan, a sort of cross-cultural thing. If you happen to be interested, they are issuing a call for 500 warm wool caps by January 20th. Somehow they got access to airplane transport for a limited amount of items, so they are pushing for donations of 500 handknit or crocheted caps. Info's on their website. I throw that out there for anyone who's interested and hasn't heard about it.

Mystery Project

What is this strange little item?

Is it a knitted penis, fresh from a mad fiber-crafter's Bobbitectomy?

No, it is not.

It is, in fact, part of a surprise I am making for someone who reads this very blog regularly. Be patient, gentle readers; all will be revealed in due time.

Coming this week: My First Annual Statistical Analysis of Herrschner's Catalog, and a spring yarn sneak preview...


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Duh, it's a chibi cozy. What do I win?

  2. I know what it is.

    And I'm not tellin'.

    But it's good. Real good. Heh heh.

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Oh, it's a pickaninny doll, isn't it? How crass, even for Carolina malutka.

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I simply cannot wait for the Statistical Analysis of the Herschnerr's catalog.

    By the way, several years ago, when Universal Studios first licensed Curious George, I spent three years painting monkeys for every conceivable usage. Every new drawing had to be run past a panel to ensure that we didn't commit any errors of discretion like poor H.A. did when drawing the originals. For stress relief those of us who worked on the project created and illustration of George balanced on a ball, about to run over a frayed, sparking electrical cord, sipping a martini and holding a pair of huge gleaming scissors. It still hangs in my studio, one of my most treasured possessions.

  5. Are you....rey-lated?

  6. I know what it is, too! But, I'll shut the ole trap up long enough for you to finish. Though, from experience, I know that won't be long!

    (Crap! I'm doing it again! It's the exclamation rash! Fu*&ga$%frigga@#$!)

  7. I have no freakin' clue what it is, but thanks for the notice of the new MenKnit magazine.

    Your hats are great, as are the i-pod gloves. I-Pod cozy...stupid, I-Pod gloves, very freakin' clever.

  8. I've heard of fingerless gloves - don't tell me you are making a gloveless finger!

    It looks like a willy warmer, but maybe an i-pod shuffle cozy?

  9. I thought I left you a comment about this, but it never showed up :-(

    It's obviously a bullet cosy. Would you consider publishing the pattern? I could make these for all the Sicilians on my mother's side next Christmas.


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