Friday, May 11, 2007

Overheard, while watching "Thomas the Tank Engine"

Five-year-old No. 1: I hope it's not Alec Baldwin! I like George Carlin.

Five-year-old No. 2: Yeah, Alec Baldwin sounds like a guy who is driving his motorcycle and too many bugs fly into his mouth.


  1. Your kids have good taste.

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Heh. G and N-- NOBODY likes Alec Baldwin.

  3. Anonymous8:53 PM

    What happened to Ringo? I thought he did Thomas?

  4. They are absolutely correct.

  5. My two boys are real Beatles fans (from about age 3!) and here head over heels for Ringo. We liked George Carlin. I think it's very deep of them to have these opinions so early ... guess it goes to show that Thomas the Tank Engine must not be bad TV after all if it gets the brain working so critically :)

  6. HAHAHAHA oh...that is just excellent. damn i love chatty, opinionated kids. thanks for sharing it and giving me a good weekend-starting laugh. :) ~gabriella

  7. Those are some smart-assed kids you're raising. (Congratulations.)

  8. A discerning ear so early in life can only lead to good things! Bravo!

  9. Anonymous7:36 PM

    ringo starr was THE BEST mr. conductor; all others pale in comparison.

    such intelligent children. too bad ireland is stuck with a crappy daddy like alec.

  10. George Carlin as a childrens icon, I love him but it just doesn't add up for me, scary!

  11. You should have heard Tom and I try to explain to our older kid who George Carlin is. "Well, he is a comedian, and he is famous for his 7 words you can't say on TV bit..."

  12. I think I just laughed so hard I blew a snot bubble.


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