Thursday, March 06, 2008

I got Knothin'.

Elvis got strep this week and now G. has it. Can N. be far behind?

So basically, I've got nothin'.

Except some good Knews: A knew knitting magazine called Knotions, courtesy of SavannahChik. Jody is a smart cookie and a kick-ass knitter, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what develops at Knotions.

In the meantime, the only other thing I can offer you is Bunneh Schnozz:


  1. The bunneh schnoz is the best!

    Poor kids. After you medicate them, I suggest lots of wine for you to sterilize any little buggies you may have picked up...

  2. thank you m'dear...and way to go setting that bar low ;)

  3. Why do those things run through families like that. Damned annoying. It sure does cut into the working part of working from home.

  4. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Hope you are all well soon.

  5. Anonymous8:59 AM

    y'all better get well soon before franklin gets here.

    luvs me some bunny pix!

    I second mindy's comment for yourself!

  6. Thank you, the bunneh schnozz is just what I needed. Hope the kidlets feel better soon! Whiskey has pretty good germ-fighting abilities too.

  7. Hope the kids feel better soon!

  8. Bunneh schnozz iz adorble.

    Feel better soon, all!

  9. What life could not be improved by a little bunneh schnozz?

    Hope you get better quickly.


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