Thursday, June 19, 2008

School's out for summer

Since my kids are out of school, but haven't started day camp yet, I've spent the week moderating debates of critical importance to world peace, such as: If you have to poop in the middle of your turn on Wii, does your mother have a moral obligation to give you five extra minutes on the kitchen timer to make up for the run to the john?


  1. So - what did you do??? Don't leave us in the middle of the story!!

  2. Why do kids think they love vacation so much, when unstructured time is so obviously hard for them? Mine follow me around demanding that I play with them. Aren't they supposed to be able to play alone by this age? (13 and nearly 7)

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    hhhmm, that's a good one! I would say, "yes", add another 5 minutes.... for poop, but not for other things like incomplete chores that were supposed to be completed BEFORE the video games were started. Can you tell we are having some of the same issues? lol

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I love reading blogs of Moms that still have their children at home. Takes me back to the summers when my 4 boys were little. They argued over who had the larger fork when they were identical and other world shattering problems. I remember it fondly but do not want to go through it again.
    Think I'll go knit now.
    I am looking forward to meeting you on the 28th at WEBS.

  5. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Such important issues with difficult answers and far-reaching implications. Hope everyone survives your rulings.

  6. I'm having variations on that theme myself but more toddler/pre-school related like he's touching me, she took my drink.

    As for your debate? I think they're sh#t out of luck on the timer thing.

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Sounds like my house! And our answer is - pause the timer until the "business" is done.

  8. This is, I believe, equally as imporatant as the middle-east situation. It will set the tone for the entire summer season. Tread with care! :)

  9. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Do you have the same children as mine? I think that I am in training to become the next secretary general on the UN.

  10. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Lemme know how you solved that one- I'm sure that will come up here eventually.

  11. Anonymous1:57 PM

    No Wii - no problem!

    What, your kids don't knit? Or spin? Or dye? Could they put labels on your skeins of yarn?

  12. Anonymous8:44 PM

    wait a minute...was that a rhetorical question?

    LOL ;-)

  13. Anonymous9:51 AM

    are they bored yet?

  14. Perhaps a dissenting opinion, but in our house, "you snooze, you lose". Plan better. It actually serves to give them something to do during the last 5 minutes of their waiting time. Yeah - we're there too. I feel your pain. Just a lurker, but love your site.


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