Friday, January 09, 2009

Hear me, see me, meet me

I've been slacking off lately, eh?

Well, since last I blogged, I had the pleasure of podcasting with Kathy Elkins, the WEBS lady, who I dearly, dearly love (as well as her foxy husband Steve) and the show will go out Saturday morning; you can download it for free from I-Tunes, too.

I am pleased to report that I will be in Chicago next weekend (yes, I know it's TNNA in San Diego, but I'm skipping this TNNA so I can afford to go to the June one) celebrating the Inauguration a bit prematurely with my darling Franklin and also the Knitters for Obama group from Ravelry. If you live in the Chicago area, please come and meet me and get your books signed at Loopy Yarns:

  • Friday, January 16th, from 6 to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, January 7th, from 1 to 3 p.m.
And the week after that, I'll be signing books at Loop in Philadelphia, on Sunday, January 25th, from 1 to 4 p.m. I'm hoping Jody Pirrello will be there, too, since she designed the kick-ass Chevvy socks that are on the cover of KSWHY.

I promise I'll post some real posts soon...


  1. Enjoy yourself in Chicago!

    Don't you hope that *I* will show up at Loop, too? Geez.

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Chicago sounds lovely- have tons of fun!

  3. Have a great trip to Chicago! Loopy is a fantastic shop.

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    awwww, man! you get to hang with franklin! (color me green)

    harry will be happy to see you, but I'm not so sure about dolores...

    have a good time and kiss dear franklin for me!

  5. It's a good thing my layover to SD isn't through Chi-town (as it usually is and should be as I'm on United, but it's not). Have a blast and hugs to Franklin - Dolores, not so much, kthx.

    Also, there will be no living with Steve if you don't knock off the lurve :)

    I swear, we need our own damn show.


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