Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rhinebeck 2010, part deux

When we last left our intrepid heroine, she was petting fuzzeh bunnehs and goats with scary eyes.

All of this livestock-petting and kilt-spotting and cowboy-drooling had taken place before lunchtime. At lunchtime, I missed Kathy and Selma (boo!) but got to sit for a bit with the Men's Knitting Retreat guys (yay!) and there was even a Knitting Curmudgeon sighting.

I felt obliged to excuse myself from the Mens' Knitting Retreat meeting since I own a vagina, and by this point, I was suffering from stalking-Melissa-Morgan-Oakes withdrawal, so I headed over to the author's tent. Alas, MMO was nowhere to be found (probably making her mother carry heavy boxes of wine to the car) but I did get a copy of Mim Felton's new book (which I will review in a separate blog post even though she didn't remember my name although we've been introduced about forty times but that's okay because I don't hold a grudge):

It's Okey-Dokey!

I also got to spend some quality time with Stitchy McYarnpants, shown here with an adoring fan

and shown here with her lovely co-author Caro:

(Y'all need to get me a review copy of your book so I can give it the No-Bull treatment.) This photo is so darn cute, and those two are so photogenic...

There was another Somebunnyslove sighting -- hah! now the world knows you eat fried pickles!

and a Turtlegirl sighting (sigh.... she is so beautiful, an awesome knitter AND has gorgeous tabbycats, plus she really knows how to strike a pose):

and a Baby Eudyptula sighting:

That is one seriously cute bebeh. With an awesome handknitted cap.

Eventually we made our way from the show into one monstrous traffic jam, then convened for our yearly diner dinner with some of my favorites (Jack, Scott, David) -- as well as some new favorites, like Plinio:

(I'm sorry, Plinio and Jack, that my photo doesn't do justice to your handsomeness) and Duffy, shown here with Marilyn.

Look how Marilyn and Mindy continued to bond:

Then it was back to the hotel, for some knitting, recapping, showing off our purchases, (also, Laura showed me her awesome I-phonePod Touch cozy made from BBF sock yarn)

and, of course, blaming Bridget Clancy for the Phillies' loss. (Thanks a lot, B.)

To be continued



  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Is it next year yet??

  3. Your pictures are beautiful...but I have to say this...holy crap..Laura got an Iphone?!?!

    Now I know what the breeze was...hell did indeed freeze over.

    Nice to see our friend moving into the 21st century.

  4. Laura G5:07 PM

    Not to worry, I still have not completely made the move into the 21st century. It is not an Iphone, it is only an Ipod Touch. And I usually have the wifi option turned off. Small steps... :)

  5. IPod Touches have wifi?
    --Your fellow Luddite

  6. It was wonderful to see you again! I love that pic. It cracks me up AND makes me look thin!


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