Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Black Bunny Fibers lovers: Occupy Loop!

I am very excited to announce that I will be having a trunk show at Loop in Philadelphia during the weekend of November 12 & 13. I'll be bringing pretty much everything I've got in stock, and I'll be stoking up the dyepots during the coming weeks to make sure I've got some new stuff for you. You'll be able to browse to your heart's content all day Saturday and Sunday, and for those of you who like to touch and see yarn in person, this is a great chance for you to fondle the goods!

I'll also be teaching two classes at Loop. Saturday morning I'll be teaching "Making Friends With Your Handpaints," from 10 to 1, and when the class is done, you'll understand all about why handpaints do what they do (particularly why they pool) and what you can do about it. Sunday I'll be teaching a class that uses the schematic of a pattern as a jumping-off point: what it tells you about the pattern, the important but often overlooked concept of ease, different shoulder styles and ways to tweak patterns to get a better fit.

I'll be hanging out at the shop after my classes to answer any questions about BBF yarns, to sign books, or just to say hi. (And now that Loop has Brooklyn Tweed's Shelter yarn, as well as Rowan yarns (!), you can bet I'll be leaving with a big bag of yarn that I didn't arrive with.....) Full details are here.


  1. will there be fiber? i just spun some of your tunis (that i bought from Beth at The Spinning Loft) and it is THE MOST SQUISHEST EVER. i need to take some glamour shots of this handspun so you can add it to your dyer's scrapbook. PLEASE tell me you have more tunis!!!!

  2. I will make an big effort to be there.

  3. anne marie in philly2:31 PM

    I have thought about coming on saturday, after you finish your class. I can bring my BBF items I have knitted for "show and tell".

    and you can see the items in person too, as opposed to seeing them on my rav page.

    what are your thoughts on this?

    and will jim and laura be there too?


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