We spent Sunday with his people, and hoped to see fireworks that evening, but we were thwarted by an unexpected thunderstorm. By the time it dried out enough to start the fireworks, the kids were all ready for bed.
If you haven't seen Liz's Clapotis, take a look. Okay, I'm prejudiced since I dyed the yarn, but she did a spectacular job.
I'm working on a new book review, and knitting feverishly on deadline, so I'll sign off for now. I hope to have the book review up later in the week.
What a cutie! I love Cardigans!!!
Oh I love that pup! Is he as friendly as he looks?
I saw Liz's Clapotis, and it is really beautiful. (I also noticed that you did the colors specifically for her. Hm.)
Totally adorable Corgi. I did go over and peek at Liz's Clapotis. Gorgeous. And you did a lovely job on the yarn.
Well, Bridget, if you had donated a kidney to me the way Liz did, I'd dye some special yarn for you too.
Luckily I only needed one kidney.
That is a right cute pup.
And that Clapotis- I haven't knit one yet, but I'm inspired now. Colors were great, too (as always).
And now that I think of it, my mother-in-law would wear one, and loves red, so just let me know when you need that (insert organ here)...
I love Cardigan Corgis - they are adorable! There's puppy in the neighborhood and I could just eat her up everytime I see her.
Your yarns came out beautifully in the Clapotis! Now I could really see myself knitting it. Very very nice. And I don't believe I'd ever identified a Corgi before =) Tres cute!
The puppy is adorable. Nearly as superior as bunnies or kitties.
The Clapotis makes me itch to finish my BBF Icarus. I'm going to do a couple rows now...
What a darling doggie! Liz's Clapotis is fabulous. When are you going to have more of that merino/silk? Must. Have. Some.
Ok, Jane, I'm going to order some raw yarn in that same wool/silk combination. It's not the same as the merino/silk sock yarn; the sock yarn is around fingering wt, while Liz's yarn was heavier, maybe closer to worsted? But I think I'm going to dye batches that have enough for a Clapotis and put them on my Etsy site. I'll keep you posted.
I never knew those corgis were called cardigans. Off to google it. I'm guess Earl of Cardigan = Wales = corgi?
Fabulous Cardigan! My Pembrokes say hello!
The clapotis is gorgeous and would go nicely with my socks....hehe. Don't get me going with more projects, Carol...I'm a sucker for being all matchy-matchy.
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