Monday, February 16, 2009

Another week flies by

Last summer, when making casual chit-chat with people, it would often be mentioned that the twins were entering first grade in the fall. It never ceased to crack me up how many people greeted this news by saying something along the lines of "Well, with all the kids in school all day, what are you going with all that free time?"

And most of them meant it in a non-ironical way, too.

Well, you can plainly see that I have not been spending all that free time updating my blog. My husband can assure you that I have not been spending all that free time cleaning up the house. My ass can assure you that I have not been spending all that free time at the gym. So what have I been doing lately?

Dyeing, swatching, photographing, writing, and bailing water against the oncoming tide of emails which never seem to all be answered. I'm not really complaining, mind you (except about the email.... since when did spam start getting sent in Greek? you know, in a whole different alphabet?). I feel lucky to be doing the things that I'm doing.

One of the things I was doing last week was meeting some deadlines. I had some articles to write, including a review that will appear in the new Knotions spring issue, which will go live in about a week. I also will have two sock patterns in the new Knotions, so look for them.

In the meantime, allow me to wish you all a happy Speranza'a. New readers: you can learn about the obscure yet delightful festival of Speranza'a here. Details about tonight's celebration, the first night of Speranza'a, tomorrow. Hint: I think we are celebrating the Principle of Irony tonight.


Anonymous said...

Happy Speranza'a to you all. Can't wait to hear all about it. (off to make sure I have Knotions bookmarked. Really need to sort all this stuff)

Bridget said...

I was thinking it was about time for the Speranza'a celebration to begin - have a good one!

Wow - you have been busy. I'm glad, I thought you were just avoiding me ...

Anonymous said...

no, you're not doing anything but running your home-based yarny business and being there when the kidlets get home from school and going out on book signing tours.

I personally would punch anyone who thinks that you sit on your ass all day eating bonbons, watching the talk shows, and soaking in the tub.
