In addition to getting a lovely dedication in my personal copy of the book, we got to see Shannon's Ashford Joy, which was amazingly portable and adorable, and we got to see Shannon spin on the Joy,

barefoot (you'll be happy to know she reports no problems with fungus),

and we even got to see Kim spin on the Joy

(for only her second time ever spinning, she did amazingly well!).

There was a nice assortment of Rosie's customers who stopped to meet Shannon and Kim and get their books signed, including Sherry, who is knitting with some Black Bunny merino in this photo:

and who already knit up one of the patterns from Spin to Knit, called Orangina (and available on
And we got to watch and listen as Wendy interviewed Shannon and Kim for Knitty D and the City's podcast.

Silent Auction Win
As promised, here's a photo of the quilted block I won at the silent auction last weekend.

Now I'm wondering whether, before hanging it, we really ought to get around to repainting the hallway like we've been meaning to do for quite some time. (Due to some mishaps with a child gate, we've had to spackle and patch a few large holes in the wall, and eight years of kids and their grubby fingers has also taken a toll.) Yeah, like I need another project....
Oh God, this post was so fucking boring no one is left awake enough to comment! Have I jumped the shark already?
Well, I just got back from spending the evening with KF, so...
That Wendy of podcast fame is just the cutest, isn't she?
I did so enjoy meeting her last week.
You should have seen her most excellent suit. It was tweedy and the skirt had this built-in ruffle in a print at the bottom. She has wicked cool hair, too.
Let's talk about her like she's not here, okay?
How're the British boys? I'm hoping I'll get to at least bask in the presence of the mighty Kaffe at Stitches, if not actually meet him. Last night at Rosie's, everyone was kvelling about how wonderful Brandon was, too.
You should repaint the wall in honour of the quilt square thingy. I once repainted my bedroom for the painting a friend did for me. Seems reasonable to me. Guess the kids aren't old enough to hand paintbrushes to, eh?
Barb B.
PS I didn't leave a comment earlier because blogger wouldn't open the comments. You never used the words: yarny, yummy, too cute, or sweetums. You're still okay
Nice! If you're gonna paint, do it before the holidays get here. The quilt is awesome! The fingerprints? They get higher up the wall as the kids get older ;)
It was a fun booksigning. Shannon was so nice, being as sick as she was!
Wendy's suit= bombshell lawyer.
(Ahh! Speakin gof clothes, so sorry about the visible belly fat! My husband reassured me the pants whre not 'too low' and the shirt was long enough. Men!)
I didn't even notice, but thanks for pointing it out, Sherry. It looks to me like the back of the shirt scrunched up - not that it was too short. But if you want, we can call you Muffin Top from now on...or how about Muffy for short?
I spin barefoot too. It innoculates you from fungus.
What does "jumping the shark" mean?
Oh my, am I dating myself. Well, there was this long-running TV show "Happy Days" about a bunch of kids in the 1950s, and the star character, the Fonz, who was supposed to be a street-talking tough with a heart of gold, jumps his motorcycle over a shark. It was a clear signal that the show had gone on way, way too long; hence the phrase "jumping the shark," for something that's outlived its goodness or utility.
I may have given up on Happy Days before he jumped the shark... Didn't give up on you though, just had a show.
Looks like fun at Rosie's.
That quilt is gorgeous! It probably does deserve a new wall color. I only say that because I was scrubbing fingerprints myself the other day...
Ugh, I need to crack out the spackle too thanks to a baby gate and a certain clumsy, forgetful husband knocking it into the wall every 5 minutes.
Oh, I TOTALLY know about Jumping the Shark. And I've done it a few too many times.
That quilt is fantastic. I was thinking about it the other day when I was in a quilt store. You can buy those little plastic rings, I think they call them bone rings, and stitch one in each of the corners to hang it. Then you'd only need a couple of tiny picture nails to hang it. You know, once you repaint.
Mwah ha ha ha! I got into both Fassett & Mably's classes at TNNA (HAPPY DANCE!)! Not that I'm bragging or anything... And yes, Wendy's suit was incredibly kickass!
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