was extract this king-sized hairball from the exhaust pipe to our clothes dryer. Pay no attention to the paint stirrer, or the unopened container of paint that is supposed to cover the bathroom walls. (I think it needs to ripen a little more; three years isn't nearly enough.) The dryer is working really, really well now.
Now off to mull over the bizarro ending to The Sopranos. If only I weren't still humming "Don't Stop Believin'." (And if I see another stupid teevee critic describe it as "the ultimate power ballad of the 1980s," I will scream.)
Um, what about that femur-from-a-small-animal that's sitting next to the paint stirrer? Hmmmm?
I missed the entire Sopranos phenomenon. Never watched a single episode. But if DSB isn't the 'ultimate power ballad of the 1980's', what do you think is?
If I'm not mistaken, that's a plastic bone that came with some kind of stuffed doggie. My oldest actually used to play fetch with the twins. He'd throw the bone and they'd retrieve it. They called the game "Roofy," I hope in imitation of a dog bark and not after the illegal substance.
Does there even HAVE to be an ultimate power ballad of the 1980s? Can't I just block out Journey and think about the Smiths and A Flock of Seagulls and English Beat instead? Please?
My kids and their cousins played a game at family gatherings and sleepovers called "Beerwives".
It's a sort of hide and seek in the dark, generally played in the basement. I always shuddered when they told non-family members the name of this great game.
English Beat--yah.
Finger finger trigger trigger click click click click click.
Now I have "I ran" stuck in my head.
Um, yeah, thanks for sharing the dryer tribble. Please don't let it inspire a fiber project.
Think you could spin that stuff? Maybe not.
wow, you DO lead an exciting life! (snort giggle snort)
check out today's "ziggy" in the philadelphia inquirer - you may be inspired by what ziggy did with his dryer lint.
The English Beat just played Hoboken, NJ - my friend Dave got to open for them. How cool is that, even 20 years later?
At least it's your lint. I find I have to clean out the lint traps before using the dryers at my local laundromat because the owners are a little tardy with the cleanin'. Ugh.
Yikes on the lint ball! I felt let down and cheated on the Sopranos bizzaro ending. And can't Meadow parallel park? I too have Journey stuck in my head!
I thought Styx sang ALL the ultimate power ballads of the 80's.
They are now touring with Foreigner. At big arenas. Think I'll pass, though I did see both bands in the glory days. Now Cheap Trick, they can still kick it.
You could make paper out of that lint and use it for your new line of greeting cards.
They used a Journey song for The Sopranos? Snort.
Whitney, people with too much time on their hands are looking for layers of meaning in the finale. One interpretation is that Meadow has a hard time fitting in to the space that has been allotted to her -- in the family as in the parking. Another is that the kitty represents Big P*ssy.
Oh dear god. I must check my dryer exhaust duct.
Luckily, I read the comment about the English Beat and now Mirror in the Bathroom has replaced Don't Stop Believing ... that was a close one.
That must be why Paulie is so freaked out by the pork store cat!? I wonder if we will see a special of "where they are in 10 years"?
That's exactly what causes some to yell, dryer dryer, pants on fire!
Glad to see someone practicing safe dryer operation;)
Wow. You're supposed to clean those dryer things?
I need to know why there aren't thirty-five odd duck socks in that pile of lint.
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