Have you discovered
Ravelry yet? It's a website currently in beta testing designed for and by knitters. If you've ever thought "God, I really need to figure out what's in my stash" or tried to set up a database to list projects you want to try, Ravelry is amazing. You start a "notebook," with separate sections for keeping track of projects (you can designate them works in progress or finished, and post photographs of them), organizing stash (how many skeins, a photo, notes) and a "queue" for listing project ideas, whether patterns or yarns. You can also surf other people's notebooks to see what they are making and thinking about making. Right now, the website is by invitation only, so you have to email the makers and ask to be put on the list for an invite. This looks to be a very promising addition to the on-line knitting community if you are computer-savvy and/or like the inspiration of looking at other folks' work. My user name is "Black Bunny," in case you want to marvel at my stash. (Only a portion of which is on there.)
In the meantime, I have been flooded with entries for the How I Really Feel contest. So many good ones, in fact, that it's going to be hard to decide. I'm going to have to give a variety of awards to reflect the variety and quality of responses.
Next Etsy update is Monday, around 12:30 in the afternoon. Sock yarns, of course, and roving for the spinners, along with a new yarn that I'm trying out.

Only three batches until I see if it sells and what the reaction is.
Oh my, those look fantastic. I love the turquoise and the pink, I'll have to camp out at my browser Monday morning. :)
Oooooh, I want it all.
Ravelry, huh? I'm afraid to try... just what I need, another computer run black hole for time. If I'm not back by tomorrow, come get me.
Ravelry is da bomb! Or, has that saying been used to death yet? Something's gotta suck my time, may as well be something fun. I for one am having a ball coming up with cards for the "How I really feel" line. mwahhahaha You must stop waving pretty yarn in my face, I'm almost unemployed!
Yeah, I'll be looking through water that color(the turquoise, not the brown)by the time of your update--yeah vacation!
Ooh, where're you going, Michelene? Yay you. We're not going til August...
p.s. I think I'll call the blue one "Michelene's Vacation"...
Ravelry is a perfect example of Web 2.0 usage. This is what I'm involved in at work but it's great to see it used for knitting. Thanks, C! I've signed up. This looks to be a very useful tool, once it's out of beta testing. You should let Joe know about this, since his last post was about how he could inventory his stash and books in case of his premature expiration. Or if he ever wants to sell all of his stuff.
Hmmm, do I need more BBF stuff? Yeah. What fibers for spinners are you flogging? I want a preview!
Hey Carol, thanks for the link to Ravelry. I went and peeked, how much fun will that be! Yes, I got on the list also, so now I'll set patiently waiting to be part of a FUN place. Your yarn looks fab!! Love the turquoise.
I've got me Masham, Blue-faced Leicester, at least one Merino and one Falkland. I've got some undyed Merino/silk blend, Mar -- can I interest you in that? Hasn't been dyed yet, but then YOU can pick the colors. Heh. I'm a big fat enabler. Plus I love when I know BBF stuff is going to a "good home".
I can't wait for my invite to Ravelry. Of course then there will be no denying exactly how much yarn I have in the stash - must not let hubby have access :)
Thanks Carol! We are going scuba diving in Cozumel, arriving Monday!
This time we are going minus the offspring. I'm so excited--work has been hellish for both of us and we are ready for the fun!
We always stay at the same place, the owners make us feel like family, and they are fun to hang out with too.
Um, you know it will sell. I can't wait to see if I can get it into my cart AND checked out before someone swipes it.
It's not fair! All the cool knitters have already got their invites to Ravelry!
It's just like high school. Deja vu all over again :)
Joan, I've been waiting for weeks to get mine, so don't feel bad. If it weren't for Liz of Crossroad Knits, I wouldn't have even heard about it!
My lame attempt at a joke-- the invite came today. Cinderella is SO going to the prom!!
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