And yet, that's not to say it was an unproductive knitting year for me.

If I haven't been posting as frequently as usual -- and if you've sent me an email that's been languishing an unusually long time, even for me -- I am hoping to get back into my usual groove soon. This weekend, we fixed the computer snafu that was interfering with my Internet access, not to mention the ability to print. Keep your fingers crossed.
In the meantime, here's my review of 2007: The Knitting Year That Was. Since my sense of time has completed devolved (I am convinced that things that actually happened two years ago happened two months ago, and vice versa), please cut me a little slack on the timing...
Next post I'll take a look at my personal knitting year in review, but overall, I'm pretty sanguine about the future of the craft. The internet continues to draw in and keep knitters connected, and is providing new ways for knitters to interact with each other in terms of sharing inspiration, selling and buying patterns and yarns, and educating each other.
As I've said before this year, these are good times for knitters, with a great selection of interesting knitting books being released. Let's hope that 2008 brings us even more.
How can we discuss crocheted amigurumi without also mentioning Mr. Funky's Super Crochet Wonderfulthe Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small stuffed animals and
anthropomorphic creatures. Amigurumi are typically cute animals (such as bears,
rabbits, cats, dogs, etc.), but can include inanimate objects endowed with
anthropomorphic features. Amigurumi can be knitted, but the vast majority of
amigurumi are crocheted.
Next we have Fun Dolls by Japanese uber-purveyor of twee, Aranzi Aronzo (Vertical 2007).
This is a paperback book, about 80 pages long, with patterns for making sewn dolls. Fun Dolls is a translation from the Japanese, containing 18 patterns for animals like the "Haha Bunnies" (they are "always laughing `Haha!' so they're called Haha Bunnies")
and Eyelash Bunny
as well as humanoids, like the Unmotivated Kids, and other anthropomorphized objects like these coffee mugs.
Instructions are given in comic-book form, and include less-than-actual-size patterns (you are instructed to enlarge them on a copying machine before pinning and cutting), detailed lists of materials,
patterns for stamping and other embellishment, as well as close-up photographs of each doll. If you like Fun Dolls, there are other Aranzi Aronzo titles available, like The Cute Book.
Next up is Plush You!: Lovable Misfit Toys to Sew and Stuff by Kristen Rask (F&W Publications/North Light Books 2008), a paperback with over 140 pages.
MSRP is $19.99 but it can be purchased for $13.59 by clicking on the link above. Plush You is chock-full of photographs of silly stuffed toys, and the variety is pretty amazing: the back cover claims that around 100 different plush toys are shown in the book. You certainly will find photos of all sorts of oddball dolls, from typical amigurumi animals
to less-typical creatures
to zombies,
but I felt a little ripped-off when I realized that patterns are included for just 15 of the hundred or so dolls shown. (And it seems to me that the ones for which patterns are given aren't the most complicated ones for which patterns might be most helpful. Sigh.)
I wish the outside of the book had made this clearer. That's not to say I wouldn't have necessarily purchased it, but still.... In any event, the directions for these projects are less detailed than the previous two books; there are a few patterns to enlarge and use in the back, but the directions tend to be given in list form without diagrams or photographs. I did like the book's emphasis on the "counterculture" of plush creators, including miniprofiles and links to the designers, some artists' tips sprinkled throughout, and little blurbs describing the artist's favorite sources of inspiration and other background info (although I wish this could have been done in more depth).
Last but certainly not least, is Sock and Glove: Creating Charming Softy Friends from Cast-Off Socks and Gloves by Miyako Kanamori (Penguin; 1st American Ed. 2007), which uses pre-existing socks and gloves (mostly commercially made, by the looks of them) to create adorable stuffed animals.
MSRP is $12.95 but the book can be found for $10.36 by clicking on the link. Sock and Glove manages to capture a somewhat different sensibility than the previous books, going for a more spare, less kawaii feel in mostly neutral colors, with suprisingly elegant photography and layouts. Sock and Glove contains instructions for fifteen dolls made from one or more gloves and socks, as well as a few pieces of clothing for them (also made from cast-off handgear and socks).
Sock and Glove is a paperback, slightly larger than the previous three books, with very simple but clear photographs of each item, and directions which include thumbnail photographs of each step for some of the animals, and sketches for the rest.
How about that sheep pupik?
To sum up, all four books contain ideas and inspiration for funky little stuffed creatures, some crocheted, some sewn, some using more than one method. They'd make great gifts for a crafter with an appreciation of offbeat plush, keeping in mind that Plush You is more in the nature of a coffee-table browser rather than instruction manual, which could cause frustration in those who like to follow patterns rather than riff.