Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy birthday, Twins!

Yep, seven years ago today, that clever (and rather attractive, I might say) surgeon cut on the dotted line and brought forth the twins.

Happy birthday, dear ones -- and many, many more.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

(twice the fun!)

Meghan said...

Happy birthday, twins! I'm a twin myself, so always perk up when they're mentioned. :)

Carol said...

I don't do much in the way of housework. Srsly.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, my favorite cute li'l twins!
How's my Wii me doing?

Ali P said...

"I don't do much in the way of housework. Srsly."
Woman after my own heart.

The Awww factor of your pictures is off the charts! Happiest of happy birthdays.

Anonymous said...

happy happy birthday birthday N & G!

PS - my word is "inglazi"; relating to donuts or italian english?

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday N & G- and the rest of your family, too (especially you, I bet that was a long pregnancy!)