One thing that really overwhelms me by the end of the weekend is the number of gorgeous yarns and interesting booth set-ups that one sees. Here is the booth of Philadelphia's own O-Wool:

Spud and Chloe/Blue Sky always set up an interesting display; Ysolda Teague's booth was set up for tea service along with her photo booth (she had lots of garments from her new book to try on, which was fun); and I could spend hours and hours at the Rowan booths.
Speaking of Rowan, I did get to meet Mr. Martin Storey, who was gracious and lovely as I gushed how much I love his patterns:
I ran into some of the kniterati, like Stefanie Japel -- I am so envious of her gorgeous curly hair!

I kept running into Kimberly, a.k.a. Somebunny'slove, but this is always a good thing.

And I got to chat with Cat Bhordi, who is delightful. (I forget the name of that person standing next to her. I think it was some weirdo who ran up and begged me on her knees to take her photo.)

(See how persistent she was? See Abby Franquemont trying to edge away from the crazy lady with Cat?)

I absolutely love Ron and Theresa from Buffalo Gold, (above, Ron is posing with MMO and Cat)and Laura did too. Here's a photo of them in the booth with Laura (below). (Look for my scarf pattern knit in Ron and Theresa's yarn in the next Vogue Knitting!!!)

How could I not ham it up with my pal Craig?

I made sure to see MMO's booksigning (and the folks at R&M were wonderful).

(They were so wonderful they even had my book on the shelves!)

For some reason, the TNNA people had set up an example of yarnbombing.

And of course I stopped by Trisha Malcolm's booksigning -- she was signing copies of the fabulous new Noro book that just came out (I'll review it soon):

Here's Mary Beth and Craig:

And our friends at PotterCraft were celebrating their fifth anniversary with free champagne and cupcakes! Nom, nom, nom.

(Somebody ate some of this one before I could even take the photo!)

Lots of interesting stuff coming up on the blog in the next weeks: previews of what some of the yarn companies will be showing for the fall, some more book reviews, a recap of my trip to Illinois....and more.
Seriously. If you read the NAME TAG on that ALLEGEDLY crazy person you can SEE who it is. It's Cat Bordhi!
I'm sure that cupcake was topped with some kind of tasty chocolate-y icing, but it looks a little like a dogpile. I hope you had two champagnes to make up for it.
Sharripie, I am sure that was the fault of the photographer. They were luscious.
It was really great to meet you in IL, feel a little silly for fangirling you so hard, but you were the sweetest person, and so cute! Also, American Gods, not for the kids, just in case they were interested.
gee, maybe if I got my sorry butt to TNNA I would be featured on GKIYH.... Oh well, maybe I will return someday. Hope you are well.
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