Louisa Harding's Geordie Baby Jacket, knit in Plymouth Encore (purchased at Rosie's Yarn Cellar).
My mother told me an unbelievable story -- yet it did, indeed, happen, for my mom is simply not the type of person to make this kind of thing up -- about attending a baby shower in which one of the party games consisted of being given a disposable diaper, lemonade and chocolate candy. A prize was awarded to the guest who created the ickiest-looking faux doody diaper.
Rest assured that I will give you full details of any such hijinx upon my return.
In a similar vein:
At my sister's kitchen tea/bridal shower, she was crowned with either a kerchief or chef's hat (can't remember which), enthroned upon a lowered ironing board, with a wooden spoon for a sceptre and a dampened nappy (with water) wrapped up for an orb. All while she was blindfolded :)
What is it about babies that make it suddenly polite to talk about poop? I have a relative who discussed her 4 year old son's eliminations in detail at the dinner table! In a freaking restaurant!
I'm glad you finally found the right sweater for the baby. It's cute.
That is an adorable sweater - I hope the baby feels extra special in it (do babies feel extra special, by the way??).
I shall refrain from commenting about the shower games, other than to say such hi-larity is why I usually don't attend the festivities ...
Now that's a shower game I could get into :)
What a sweet little sweater!
Love the sweater and that shower game sure beats the "guess what disgusting baby food this is" game.
It's a damn shame that gay men aren't invited to these festive events.
Your sweater turned out beautifully. You must have felt some pride in having that as your gift.
Lovely wee sweater, hen.
I hate showers of all sorts.
I don't understand why anyone who was grossly embarrassed at a shower given in her honor would ever want to pass that embarrassment on. I suppose you're expected to wear it like a badge.
They way women see horrible childbirth stories as proof they belong to some sort of demented guild.
By the way, my first child took 30 hours to be born and the pain never stopped and then he had to be delivered by forceps and oh the pain and I could go on........
I too have been forced to play that game, although they didn't include lemonade. I think I went to get another drink at that point and missed out. At the same party we also were asked to make a baby out of bubble gum. And all my friends wonder why I refuse to get pregant....
I'm sure it's by accident by the 'Geordie' part made me laugh. It's a bit of a backwards place in England (with tons of exceptions before I get done) where the type of person you've knitted this for would most likely be located. Coincidence?
Good luck at the shower. The last one I had to attend was at work, and while the _men_ got to leave after eating cake, all of the women were forced to stay and do daft things like drawing babies onto paper plates held on top of our heads, and drink this horrible fluffy pink punch that is apparently de rigor at these kinds of things.
I would have much rather been de-bugging the database.
On the other hand, the best shower I ever attended was co-ed, and included things like a nursery rhyme trivia contest, funny kid stories, and had wine and real food. I hope you have one more like the latter.
Lovely sweater. As I understand it the Geordie Baby Jacket would translate to the West Virginia Baby Jacket here in the states. (Don't get your bloomers in a twist, West Virginian's I am proud of both my Kentucky and WVa roots. Go 'Eers.) Have you seen the UK Creature Comforts shows? There's a Geordie mouse that is adorable. Check it out - the shows are fabulous. The US version, not so much. As to the party game, what the hell is wrong with having a party where adults sit around and talk and eat some decent food? I ask you.
You mean it's not named after the blind guy on Star Trek: The Next Generation?!
P.S. They had pastel blue punch. I stuck to Diet Coke, figuring that it had to be less toxic. Which is saying something.
Well, Geordie is what folk from Tyne and Newcastle are called but it's also a dialect form of George.
What a precious little sweater! :)
The LaVar Burton sweater does have a certain ring to it. "Tonight I think I'll wear my LaVar. It matches my eyes." See, like that.
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