the Capitol Police, and I stood in the visitor's gallery at the State of the Union address, breastfeeding a baby while holding a burning flag in the other hand, clad in a t-shirt reading "Bush Sucks Dick" on it,

I still couldn't get them to arrest me.
Their loss!
Ouch. Don't give up, lovey.
How about trying your hand at crochet?
They seem a little less immovable there. Heh.
Ah, the old "your design does not fit our publication needs at the present time" letter.
Don't give up. You have to be persistent with magazine editors, especially if they don't know you yet. It doesn't mean that you are not worthy, it means that your design really doesn't work with what they're doing at the moment. Did you get their editorial calendar so you know what kind of designs they're looking to publish in upcoming issues?
I can only think that they are fucking idiots.
I've seen what they publish.
I've seen what you have designed.
That's the only possible answer to the equation. Let's call it QueerJoe's theory of idiocy.
Could you start selling the designs to us?
Three words - The Knitting Vault
I got the exact same letter. I'm trying not to take it personally, since it obviously wasn't written that way.
That is the LAMEST no thanks letter I've read in agest.
Sorry you had to read it...
They'll wise up sometime, and will both publish your design AND learn how to write a decent letter.
Oh Carol. I'm sorry.
Fuck them.
That is the LAMEST no thanks letter I've read in agest.
Sorry you had to read it...
They'll wise up sometime, and will both publish your design AND learn how to write a decent letter.
Your comments conjured up a wonderful image in my head which made me laugh and laugh.
If interweave rejection letters help provide comments like that - long may they continue.
Anyway, their loss - as my Granny always said, Whats for you will not go by you, bigger and better things await!
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