I remember hearing the name invoked by other knitters and being sort of blase about it. I'd gone to Maryland Sheep & Wool, I'd been going to Stitches, so what was the big deal about one more fiber festival?
But there is something about Rhinebeck.
I suspected it was the crisp fall weather (the thing I hate about Maryland S&W is that it's usually hot and summer-like) but this weekend was pretty warm and sunny, and it was still something special. Maybe it's a slightly different mix of vendors -- more farms and less novelty yarn -- or maybe it's a slightly different mix of attendees -- more intense knitters? more spinners? -- but whatever the reason, there is something about Rhinebeck.

Maybe it's the barfing pumpkins.
Full report tomorrow...
*My oldest kid sent me the cutest email asking how I liked "Rheinbech." Pretty good spelling guess for a 9 year-old.
maybe it depends upon which side of the Mason Dixon line one is on? (really.) {she says as one who has resided on both sides for many years each)
charlizeen on yahooooooooooooo
I have to say that I don't really know what that means. I spent a good part of the weekend with someone born and bred in Virginia and she loved it as much as I do.
Oh no! I missed seeing you. I was only there on Saturday between about noon-5pm and spent a lot of time in queues for purchasing... Hope you had a good time!
Nice to see you on Sat!
Some day, I would really like to go. It sounds like it's so great.
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