wishes to remind you that it's Fire Prevention Month. At our house, Elvis handily drew our Evacuation Plan so that we might study it in the event of a "fire event" (as I'm sure they call them now).

Everybody got that?

Charcoal also reminds you to check the batteries in your smoke detector.
We don't want your house to turn into a lump of you-know-what...
Thank you! Charcoal is adorable. Such an innocent face...probably a perfect little angel, hmmm?
Good advice. Though I'm hoping you have a backup evacuation plan ...
Hi Charcoal!
Believe it or not, the escape plan continued on the other side of the paper...
Charcoal wiggles his nose at you, Bridget.
What seductive poses Charcoal strikes. That is one bunny who knows how to work the camera!
knitting and bunnies really DO go together! came across your blog from another. charcoal is adorable!
Thank you for the timely and useful reminder. It seems especially appropriate coming from somebody named "Charcoal."
Charcoal looks a lot like my Molly who is a grey Jersey Wooly with Black head, feet and tail! Bunnies are such fun!
Good point, Franklin- thanks for the giggle!
After the look Charcoal is giving us in the 2nd picture, you better believe I'm checking our batteries. Actually, tell him Puff will get right on it.
That Elvis has a future in drafting or map drawing- I believe that one continues on the back. Most importantly- who is assigned salad-retrieval-duty, just in case?
thank you for posting pix of the pwecious charcoal birthday bun-bun.
missed you tonight!
And I like the fire plan. You'll all get out alive for sure!
My plan is to scream and jump out the window. Fortunately our house is all on one level and there are windows in every room except for the laundry room.
Maybe I'll just stop doing laundry.
ps charcoal is way cute.
Aw, thanks, Charcoal. You're sweet to look out for us =)
Thank you, Charcoal. The only thing Mrs. Cooper and Baxter remind me of is when it's time for dinner.
I hope that witto bitty cutey wutey teeny wittey bunny wunny can READ those escape directions. Charcoal, have your mummy explain these fire event directions to you verbally, ok?
Charcoal is one smart bunny! Really, just too cute...
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